Privacy Statement
The information Castle Cary Gardening Association may hold about you
Members contact information (name & optional contact details such as address, phone number, email address)
Annual Show entry information (name, address, email, age where applicable and classes entered)
Special event information - eg club trips and meals (name, address, email and any event details needed)
How we use your information
to provide you with information about the CCGA or other gardening-related information
to calculate prizes and winners for the annual show, and keep a record of who holds which CCGA cups
We will
protect your data by keeping it confidential to the Committee of the CCGA
not supply your data to anyone else (other than the agreed contact details of club officers) unless required by law
store personal data only on computers/devices held by the Committee members
You can
obtain a copy of the data we hold about you
correct, amend or delete any data we hold about you
write or email us to request any of these (see membership card or web contact page)
For further information on the Policy & Processes for handling your personal data contact us
Reviewed January 2025